About K & P Interiors

What About Quality?

We are fully insured, and stand behind our work: a commitment demonstratedby our adherence to the standards professed by the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America. We maintain our quality by compensating artists with a full-time salary, health care benefits, and provide our own internal training program to talented interns who usually go on to join the company first as a salaried professional, and later as a partner in our limited liability company. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the paint effects we create: we also provide design services for ornamentation, supply some unique products that are not available anywhere else in our area, and can install everything we sell. We expanded our services into such areas as installing gypsum mouldings, applying Lincrusta and Anaglypta wallcoverings, installing canvas murals and laying composition ornamentation when we could not locate subcontractors with the same attention to quality that we expected of our own artists.

In centuries past, only royalty, aristocracy, and the church could afford to hire the carvers,plasterers, stonemasons and artists that produced the historic interiors that so inspire us today. K&P employs modern technology to facilitatethis process; with access to modern methods of mold casting, professional water-based paints, glazes, and texture products, it no longer requires access to the royal treasury to create stunning effects. Our initial consultations are free, and we charge $100 to work up custom samples for each finish specified. The same initial cost applies to most mural or architectural design work. We can provide preliminary estimates for many finishes and murals on a square foot basis, but a final written estimate usually requires a personal visit to the job site. Our typical finishes range from $4 to $15 per square foot, with most rooms falling into the $2000 - $4000 range. Murals and trompe l'oeil depend upon the amount of detail, time required to execute, and physical location. Once the final design is completed, a price is worked out based upon final size and what percentage of the project contains elements of simple, moderate, or difficult execution. Most of our murals fall into the $50-$150 per square foot range.

All images and text © 2001 K&P Interiors, LLC; any unauthorized use is prohibited.


Member of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America.